Rainbow Sister, Barbara


My dear friend and Rainbow Sister, Barbara English, has written stories about her life. Here is my favorite.

Lucid dream by Barbara English: I was walking at dusk and feeling very lonely. Then I noticed the reds, pinks, and pale colors of the sky. I leaned against a tree to enjoy the beauty. The big oak seemed to feel my loneliness. Suddenly, the rough bark of the tree softened to a fleshy tone. The branches full of leaves moved, reaching down to softly caress my face. A strong aura of love came to me form the tree; stronger and deeper than a mother’s love or even a lover’s love. It felt like nothing I had felt before, so protective and warm. I knew it would gladly die for me. I felt wrapped in this great love and my heart and being absorbed it. Then the tree slowly resumed its original form and texture and released me from its spell so that I could move on. But, the love stayed with me, even after I awoke from the dream.

(Photos from Sleeping Lady Resort in Leavenworth, Washington)

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