I Am Consciousness

cosmic lens

The volcanic activity in Hawaii reminds me of this poem that I wrote at Jean Houston’s home is Ashland, Oregon during her 2013 retreat entitled The Next Great Step: Transforming Intention into Action. Our assignment was to write a poem in a very limited amount of time (3 minutes if I remember correctly). This forces one to get out of the left/linear brain of analysis and into right/non-linear brain of creativity. This is what flowed through:

I Am Consciousness

Yesterday, today, tomorrow
I Am
Beginning, middle, ending
I Am
Big bang, quantum particle
I Am
Flower budding, child birthing
I Am
River flowing, mountain fuming
I Am
Yesterday, today, tomorrow
I Am
Nobility, peasantry
1% / 99%
I Am
All culture, all terrain
I Am
Comet blazing hot matter
Extincting cold
To blaze again
I Am


  1. Andrea

    Wow! Great poem! 3 minutes – amazing. Love the refraim; Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Do you think those 3 states of time might relate to some of the chakra levels or states? Which ones?

  2. Patricia Lee (Post author)

    I am just now seeing this!! How does it happen that yesterday is now today? You post a question I have not pondered. What comes through is their connectedness, oneness as in the chakra levels and states. It’s a fluid flow of sunlight. Without sun and matter there would be no yesterday, today, tomorrow.

  3. Andrea

    Thank you for a perfectly timed response. What wise and beautiful words! I sense Kundalini aesthetic mixed with profoundly revealing S/He Dragon philosophy. The cycle of life reborn in Spring, energy from the muladhara chakras, results bond the three phases of time.


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