Cold Blooded

Why do so many people have dogs? Whole neighborhoods parade them up and down the street. What needs are being met? Whose needs are being met?

Being a Mystic I can’ t talk to people about many things I see or think (so I blog). Dogs for example: I sense invisible beings attached to dogs and these beings in turn attach to their dog’s human. It feels enmeshed to me—crowded.

I need a lot of open space around me and not the “pull” of animals. A friend’s cat is very needy and always wants to be in my lap. My energy field doesn’t want this cat in my lap—it feels like a drain to my whole body so I send the cat away. It’s not just me as a personality responding it’s my energy field!

Ah-ha! This same drain happened in a group I was active with this past year. The leader’s behavior became too dissonant for me and I had to leave the group. I have joined and left so very many groups in my life! Each one connected to another time and space. So many lifetimes in this one life!

I must come across as “cold” and perhaps I am cold blooded like my Dragon ancestors. And then again, I am a nanny for four children who delight me when they say “hold me” (I, too, am being held) or when I hear them say “Trish.”

It’s my body that takes me through life. Thankfully it has matured and is now conscious about being conscious. So, I listen and learn from S/He. And the lessons are increasing seven-fold because of new people and beings in my energy field that resonate.

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