Author Archive: Patricia Lee

Aurora Over Norway

“For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse.
So collapse.
This is not your destruction.
This is your birth.”

Full Sky Aurora Over Norway

Higher than the highest building, higher than the highest mountain, higher than the highest airplane, lies the realm of the aurora. Auroras rarely reach below 60 kilometers, and can range up to 1000 kilometers.

Aurora light results from energetic electrons and protons striking molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere. Frequently, when viewed from space, a complete aurora will appear as a circle around one of the Earth’s magnetic poles.

The wide angle image, horizontally compressed, captured an unexpected auroral display that stretched across the sky over eastern Norway.

Image Credit & Copyright: Sebastian Voltmer

Supernatural in Process

Last night during Supernatural Book Club I, as facilitator, said to the group, “I need you to add your logic because I’m not always in my left brain.” And “I need you to be present because I sometimes go out of body…”  The requests ask for  circular exchange through alternating currents. It took 8 chapters for me and the group to get to this place of clarification. Time consistently makes all things new.

My new Mind Movie includes “adult content” and stimulates this heart, brain, body. Spiritual intimacy is for adults. Physical intimacy is for adults. The two combined is the New Earth.

Conflict is chaotic and continually reveals how it can have positive outcomes by adding new layers of intimacy. This outcome repeats itself because growth is held in Love. It’s definitely Spring time. 

Instinctual Knowing

I’m like a baby turtle responding to the calling song of the waters. How do I know to scuttle that direction? It’s instinctual.

For 50 years I’ve been writing and sharing my inspirational journey that sprouts from within. Lately I share visions. Few people respond. I concluded years ago that seeds are being planted in the subconscious layer of Knowing—Gardener I Am!

I prefer being Now than in the future.  I think it’s because of my right brain influence where I associate with cosmic / non-linear beings. I’m always in community Now. This Truth yields new contentment and excitement at the waters here Now and ahead. Looks like, as Turtle, I do see into the future via Instinctual knowing and Being. One point from which time ebbs and flows. Fun to ride the currents underground and waves above ground. And fun to tell the story.

Healing Rays

As a Mystic I have visions that manifest through the circuitry of my left brain (logic) and right brain (intuition). Together they create whole brain knowing.

I had a vision last night during Niagara Coherence Healing:

A white mummy appears and walks across the land. More mummies follow. I ask Sun rays to shine down on these “walking dead” humans and their white strips of cloth begin to unravel. When enough wrapping is gone flowers appear (at chakra points) and extend from the bodies. They form a Northern circle—at the crown of Gaia. Then they dance as two circles in alternating directions. The hallelujah music (played during CoHeal) celebrates these healing human bodies and Gaia’s One body.

Dragon Speak & Buoyancy

This showed up in a Facebook memory from 3/11/2015:

I am starting to understand Dragon Speak by watching it flow through me.

Communication with another person ignites intuitive She and logical He who, in turn, ignite language through words that pour out of one’s mouth. Engaged communication is a very creative process when it is more than surface chit chat. The wires in my brain light up and are happy when I have a meaningful conversation with someone.

Lately I’ve been using the word “gravity” in my communications because I had the experience of it. Today I used it again and mentioned Mother and Father in the same sentence. What does Mother and Father have to do with gravity? When I asked the question I got that positive male and negative female create a force or energy field that holds gravity, or rather, generates gravity — that feels like an electromagnetic force.

Nightmare Battle

In sleep I sense a being on my left and a being on my right. They are pushing in on me. I try to push them away. Cannot. I start yelling at them to scare them away but have no voice. The one on the right backs off. The one on the left stays. I struggle and struggle to find my voice and finally a noise is made (unsure in which realm) bringing me out of the nightmare.

A later dream also about intruders at a central door. I was an observer trying to inform people about the situation.

These dreams remind me of an old negative thought that keeps coming up. I keep meeting it at some door saying it’s not welcome—it doesn’t live here anymore—it’s boring and I’m not playing that game anymore. Looks like thought threads are attached to “demons.” Definitely a battle of “will” is the word coming in. I questioned the word but remembered the Source. 

What is will as a noun?

1. : the desire, inclination, or choice of a person or group. 2. : the faculty of wishing, choosing, desiring, or intending.

Crystal Skull

I’ve not been interested in Crystal Skulls until today when I had Craniosacral Therapy with my friend and naturopath Maggie. After telling her about the swelling and soreness at my crown chakra (which flared up again last Thursday but subsided); and after she felt the “cosmic” energy in my field; and after she received downloads; she told me that I am one of the 13 Tribes or Crystal Skulls. This actually adds logic to the “crystal palace” I’ve tuned into.  She also said this is an upgrade.  How blessed I am to have a naturopath who can relate. She also informed me that five minutes in the Fae connected as well as a blue streak of Light. This was a mystical experience shared by two! 

Prayer Full

Meditation response

No resistance to Breath work — Now.

Grateful for healing sleep that refreshes and rejuvenates body.

“Infinite vast space hall around you” looks like V rays. Golden, I hear. I add intention like a prayer.

“…carry your intention.” Fun to match words. Prayers are carried forward.

Lines within circles. Circles reach out to hook, connect. 

Lines of solid support. Circles of motion. 

Thank you Spirit for this co-creative design. 

Gratitude fills space. There’s no room for hate, violence. 

“How far can your awareness go?” As far as peace between parts. As far as peace in the whole. As far as Holy ground.

Suds. White frothy suds. Cleansing wounds past, present, future. Making all things new.

Suds as chemistry, as Serpentine. 

“Pure consciousness unfolds”. So be it.

Around and Back ~ Back and Around

5:00 am meditation. Breaking the Habit

Back around—around and back.

Serpent relationship born in body; evolving in body.

Serpent filling up and out body head to toe. Asking for assistance with balance connecting head and feet. To be conscious of my feet! I welcome balance.

Serpent ritual. “It’s your presence, It’s your passion, It’s your intention, It’s your energy.” 

Foreboding face w black eyes. Feels cold. I say only Light is welcome. I say work here is in Love, with Love, for Love. Begone dark evil. Welcome evol!

“How deep does the blackness go?  Sense it. Stay aware of it.”

Pouring, spraying, radiating white currents to this face/being.

Time for sharp focus. Cutting edge focus. “How wide is endless space.”

“Behind you” is resurrection tomb and the dark face. Radiating white Light for Easter 2024. Healing intention of letting go and opening new ground. Excavation. 

Levitation of white boulder, white shroud. 

Good to be here generating Light (information) and Love (inspiration).

Be Here Now.

“It’s all around you.” Surround sound.

“Become everything” projects white unfolding Lotus flower. “Infinite unknown.”

Begone dark intrusion. You’re not welcome here. Find your own people.

Your Star. Go home! You are loved; you are Love. “Trust in the unknown.”

Let go…. Loosen the grip of lower chakras.“ Tune in to a greater frequency of Oneness, of Wholeness. Find it. Feel it.”

“More of it and less of you. Tune in to Oneness.”

This meditation ritual adds spark in me/around me ⚡️ today, Now.

“There’s a door outside the box of your current reality.”

Turtle Island transformation.

Circling Forward

Caught myself a couple of times from falling into (going under) that past pattern pit. Caught myself a couple of times changing negative thinking before it went anywhere. Nipped it in the bud. A couple times my nerves were frayed and I thought I better get back to meditation—by going forward.