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The Beast in My Blood

Physiology, Acid Base Balance

Erin Hopkins; Terrence Sanvictores; Sandeep Sharma.Author Information and Affiliations


To maintain homeostasis, the human body employs many physiological adaptations. One of these is maintaining an acid-base balance. In the absence of pathological states, the pH of the human body ranges between 7.35 to 7.45, with the average at 7.40. Why this number? Why not a neutral number of 7.0 instead of a slightly alkaline 7.40? A pH at this level is ideal for many biological processes, one of the most important being the oxygenation of blood. Also, many of the intermediates of biochemical reactions in the body become ionized at a neutral pH, which causes the utilization of these intermediates to be more difficult.

Up and Over Feeding

Reset is:

^ Feeding thy Light Body

^ Slowing down

^ Knowing Light in Earth Body

^ Integrating up and over

^ Healing empty spaces

^ Filling in with Light substance

^ Filling in with Earth substance

^ Two merging as One

^ Feeding thy Light Body around Earth Body


Overcoming the Beast

And getting to the other side.

Walk for the World meditation is perfect for what I’m going through now. It’s a meeting with some Beast that has had a hook in me—and us. I’m asking for a face-to-face meeting and conversation. Instead of going under I’m staying awake and conscious. Out with the old. In with the view. Welcome change. So, instead of juicing I’m facing the Beast. WFW meditation is serving as juice. Cords of attachment dissolving…. What a great opportunity — to face the Beast — in Love of Life’s integration.

Dragon Eye

I connect dots—or is it more accurate to say that dots connect me—via mystical Dragon Eye. Sounds like an alternating current as I am acted upon as well as act.

This morning before Walk for the World friend/Dr Maggie eagerly shared that a Dragon appeared in her heart during last night’s Kundalini Activation session. She wondered why it stayed there and didn’t raise energy into her upper chakras. I suggested Dragon presence is a sign that her heart IS activating. She became emotional because she’s been working on heart opening for quite awhile. Maggie expressed her gratitude throughout the morning. Dragon and I received this energy and sent it back to her in circulating fashion. 

Merkaba represents Dragon Eye

Walk For The World

Bellevue Botanical Gardens’ green energy expressing as flower, bush, tree and supported by sparkling Faery wings. A circulating pattern vertically and then horizontally around—Dr Joe!!  What is this round structure? “Merkaba” as nodes provide structure for Spirit/Energy.

The word Merkaba in Hebrew means Chariot of God and refers to something capable of transporting body and spirit into dimensions other than those to which they belong. Also known as Merkaba Star, it is made up of two triangular-based tetrahedrons (i.e. two pyramids) one inside the other.

In sacred geometry, the Merkaba is represented by a star tetrahedron, symbolizing balance, stability, and integration of masculine (logic and rationality) and feminine (emotion and intuition) energies. This balance is crucial for spiritual growth and aligning with one’s true purpose.

The Merkaba, meaning Light Body, is a vehicle that transports us from the material world to the spiritual world. It combines sacred geometry and light energy to link your physical, mental, and spiritual being to the Supreme Being. Our light body helps us align ourselves to our true purpose and passion on Earth.

GOLOV Insights

A lot of activity in GOLOV meditation this morning. Meditation is the activation of minds and their brainwaves.

My additional lyrics to “The power of Love, A force from above” are

“The power of Love, A force from below.” Meeting at Center pole, a May Pole Dance. 


  1. Picture I drew years ago of a multidimensional being
  2. Retreat photo of Eagles in nest above and four of us in Four Directions formation 🦅
  3. Bees came in with the lyrics “hold them” 🐝

And! I experienced alternating currents of Love as thoughts went one direction (negative) and then automatically/spontaneously went the other direction (positive). How does this shift happen so fluidly? It’s a natural flow above/ below held by central pole and polarities. Love is the whole circle of circulation. This New Earth orientation takes rewiring of heart/brain/body and leads to freedom of expression—freedom of Being.

Almost forgot!  The alternating current and pole have “nodes” that wrap around showing me that my new day/night meditation routine are nodes for structure and balance—wrapping around Sun. ☀️ Seeing this during GOLOV filled me with a sense of stability and contentment as if I know the Dance. 🩰

Atom to Atom

My new morning and evening choice feels like attaching or bonding. I’m going with the feeling:

A chemical bond is an attraction between two or more atoms, and is what forms a chemical. This is an electrostatic attraction – an attraction between positive and negative charges. In each atom, there are positively charged protons in the nucleus and negatively charged electrons orbiting around.

Changing Boxes

Morning meditation is supporting me in changing boxes as I unify two opposite personalities (one free, the other trapped) into one box. Food consumes me when I’m the one who is supposed to be doing the consuming. Past life starvation, childhood loneliness are memories coming up. Yesterday I went under with a massive tsunami wave of chemistry and memory. And in this dark current I continue to rise in the morning, do Sun Salutation and jump on the trampoline. (Now I add meditation) Not so long ago I didn’t have energy to do this physical exertion. So I’m shaking this body up and changing my matter. I welcome the support within me and around me.

Touch of Happy Love

Highlights for me recently that stay in the spotlight until I communicate them. Once communicated I can move on. It’s a river of Life!

As I was feeding a bottle to Lucas yesterday I noticed again how he tenderly touches my hand, arm, face. He’s very loving. It reminded me that at the retreat I touched the faces of three people. It’s my right hand that likes to touch others. It’s a current of Love that moves with certain people and my hand expresses this Love. It’s very spontaneous — it’s a feeling that moves my matter!

I am feeling free. The other day I got into my new car and went to visit a friend. I felt like a “teenager” yet I never experienced this quality of freedom as a teenager. Grounding in my body makes me happy. Grounding on Earth and in Earth fulfills my purpose here Now. There are so many creative outlets for happiness. A rainbow comes in as part of this feeling and communication. My brain, heart, body are in happy agreement.