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Spa Day ~ Ahhhh

Spa Day with my #9 as mystical manifestation. In the middle of massage I felt/saw/heard:  “there’s enough love for all orbits near and far.” That shifted me!  I think I became more empathic, more fluid.

There are three “strings” that have my attention this afternoon: heart, mind and body and they pull me in different directions. Which one do I listen to and obey? I think, from an overview, I will do nothing and be still. And that’s different than being in the flow! That’s setting intention that seems to carry empathy—for the good of the whole.

It’s miraculous how tension and conflict can melt away in a very short period of time. It’s a dance of fluidity, of flow. It matters not if others don’t know this dance. It matters that I know it and act it out.

Orbital Change

2/6 meditation

Relationships are waterways that signal connection or disconnection and that signals where I go and who I spend time with. It’s a new orbit with new relationships. It’s a new puzzle with new pieces.

Feet getting attention in 5am meditation. Water rising !!

2/7 meditation

 Expanding, grounding. Moving out, moving in. A bouncing bubble. Bouncing off matter. Dissonance. Harmonizing, blending with matter. Ahhh, that feels like a fit.  A puzzle piece that fits! Resonance.

Lights have gone out in an orbital field. Charge has lessened. Change happens. I keep moving. I seek charge of relationship.  “There’s a door….outside your current reality.”

The “box” as an orbital pattern. Rotation of parts. Changing parts. The “box” shape shifts revolving around charge of connection.

“New dimension, new reality…” I keep moving. Purifying this matter. Changing this matter at micro and macro levels. One orbital and harmonic destination.

A Petri dish is molecular or cosmic:  “a place or situation in which something can be tested, examined or encouraged to develop. Human DNA is under the microscope.

As a mystic I don’t have to make logical sense nor fit in with other people’s agendas. I wrap up in and around my internal orbit and see where I land next in feeling, thinking, acting. It’s a journey through space. Some I keep traveling with. Some share the same orbit. And that is solid ground !!

Costa Rica Butterfly Garden

X-Ray Sensing

I’m experiencing new “sensing” in Coherence Healing (CH) sessions. I see an image (right brain activation) and hear/receive the message or information (left brain activation) as it relates to a Healee. Is this a seventh sense following intuition or ESP as the sixth sense? At 3:00 am I’m “grokking” this new level of seeing and hearing as X-Ray intelligence.

The experience in CH of crossing a ribbon layer of matter (the river of change) and landing on the other side supports this X-Ray activity.

And reading a post yesterday from someone I hit a “snag” (the waters changed) when a few words sounded as if the source was “ego.” This, too, feels like X-ray knowing.

The X represents two brains cooperating, coordinating as one wired system. 

“Although called X-ray vision, this power has little to do with the actual effect of X-rays. Instead, it is usually presented as the ability to selectively see through certain objects as though they are invisible or transparent in order to see objects or surfaces beyond or deep inside the affected object or material.”

“…(ESP), or the ability to perceive information independently of, and beyond, the known senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and tasting). Three main types of ESP are generally described. They are clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition.”

Bio-Photon Change

5:00 am Meditation response @ Evolving Hearts with Dr Joe Dispenza

“Space” has texture. Feeling it. Now. Feeling through it with fingers. Now. Fingers of Light brought to Life/consciousness at a meditation retreat years ago. Feels like/looks like colored marbles. Bio photons? Must be the next layer of order. I’m pulling these photons down with hands (a down pouring) on my shoulders, torso, legs, feet. Meeting up now with this meditation.  “Entire lower limbs occupy in space” 

“Space around your body”.  Mosaic crystal cathedral. Space as cathedral.  “…the room you’re in” Words as bio photons? Words of order. Words in order of Divine design. Seeing colored bubbles moving out of mouth. Invisible to visible via bio photons. Fire breathing, bio photon breathing Dragon! 

Emotion! It moves me through Heaven (comfort) and Hell (discomfort). An eternal spiral moving upward, onward. Which makes me doubt that there is nothing new under the Sun—as I’ve heard some say. Everything is new when we are willing to be in the Fire of change. Fire that binds particles. Like alchemical glue. 

Moving forward. Moving upward. The past is past. Always something new around the corner to focus on in order to turn again. Turn and re-turn as Goddess. This fluidity includes dark and light energy in motion. God holds Center. “…rewrite the program”. 

“Change”. Life includes change after change. Who flows in and with change? Who is moved by inner change when it moves Now—at the speed of Light? 

Sacrifice self for higher Self. Sacrifice self in Fire of Love’s Light / Light’s Love.

“New personality” is being molded in Fire. 

The higher I/we fly the lower I/we dive. Who is willing to swim in these waters of fire ? Who is ready for  bio-photonic relationship? “Entangled”.  

Passionate meditation. My future is bio-photonic — it’s all around me, Now.  Who, what is with me? Who, what am I with? Life continues as bio-photonic flow.  Heaven and Earth.

Chemical Bonding

Relationships change with chemistry change. Chemical bonds change relationship bonds. There are many books written about bonding in relationships.

I’m considering that the delicate pinks/blues mosaic pattern I saw around my hand and body during the recent Niagara Coherence Healing were chemical bonds. Odd that when I leaned in with my head (thinking the space would feel like a pillow) it was a hard surface. Just now I got “crystal”.  Is this not the aura or energy field around matter? And is this not the space where relationship changes? What relationship? The one between Light and Matter.

It explains why I do and don’t feel like spending time with someone or a group of people. It’s in the chemical water and the chemical heat around matter. Feelings are chemical! What feelings do I listen to and trust? What feelings teach me about myself and others?

Drip. Drip. Chemical molecules on the move changing matter. What is the chemical molecule of Love? “dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline, and other “happy hormones.” 

The love chemical is often associated with sexual orgasm. What if every chakra has its own orgasm, its own full circle of bliss? So full that it bubbles over in ecstasy? I’m experiencing this now with my throat chakra as I learn to communicate more in 3D. Communication ripples sound waves through this crystal “wave” around me. Mostly harmonious. Sometimes not. I learn from all of it.

Chemical bonding is the general term used to describe the forces that hold atoms together in molecules and ions. Three idealized types of bonding are ionic bonding, in which positively and negatively charged ions are held together by electrostatic forces, covalent bonding, in which electron pairs are shared between atoms and metallic bonding where electrons are shared across large volumes of metal atoms ionic cores. All models of chemical bonding have three common features: atoms form bonds because the products are more stable than the isolated atoms; bonding interactions are characterized by a particular energy (the bond energy or lattice energy), which is the amount of energy required to dissociate the substance into its components; and bonding interactions have an optimal internuclear distance, the bond distance.”

It’s as if matter has a circle of energetic chemistry around it. Do I want to be in this or that circle? Am I being attracted? Is it drawing me to it, into it? It’s surprising when attraction turns the opposite direction. Do I crank the wheel back around and put effort into the relationships? The answer again is in the feelings of the water and the heat.

Breaking Ground

New breaking of ground in my life has to do with a male friend in the book club. The ease of our conversations and their stimuli is nothing I’ve experienced before. It’s definitely something I’ve asked for: spiritual intimacy using the spoken word—in 3D with a male.

Words—parts of intelligent language—are alive and waiting to express themselves in relationship with humans. I see them as bubbles creating more bubbles of vitality. Maybe this “bubble” today is the “bond” I spoke of last night in conversation. We bond through honest and open words woven together in conversation.

How have I/we substituted for this nourishing activity of communication?  Have we used food, sex, gossip, gambling, alcohol, drugs, social media?

Words deliver information and feelings (nouns). And words are carried on feelings (verbs). Dad never talked about his feelings. My two husbands never talked about their feelings. My telepathic relationships never talked about feelings. This heart-throat looping communication is a critical piece of relationship and it’s been missing.

The suppression of words and feelings leave their mark in deep subterranean matter and come up sooner or later as upheaval. Words are alive— waiting to express and fulfill their energetic purpose.

I’m asking for more conversation and friendship. I’m cultivating new ground! This garden will grow and rewire individual brains and the collective global brain.

February 2, 2019

A Facebook memory I want to remember:

We are serpent! Just look at our core!

The back of my neck has played a significant role in my spiritual journey. I am now connecting the dots and end up at the reptilian brain stem that connects the brain and the spinal column.

Neck snap:
At age thirty I experienced a “snap” at the back of neck that left me paralyzed for three days. This sudden Kundalini awakening changed my brain body as I was jolted out of Beta brain wave.

Dream of snake wrapped around my neck:
I am walking with a man who is taller than I am. We see a snake. It wants to get close to me and I freak out—a physical snake is different from a mystical one. It wraps around my neck and I consciously work to stay calm. I focus and attune to the snake. I feel its presence around my neck moving left to right, then hear it make a sharp sound at, and then in, my right ear. The man unwraps the snake from my neck very carefully because it’s tangled in my hair. He lifts the snake high. I think he’s going to throw it but he gently places it on the ground. The man then strokes my head and neck.

Neck and cobra:
I had a massage recently. The masseuse started at the back of my neck with the axis and atlas vertebrae. Instantly a snake’s face appeared with its coiled body beneath. I asked what it was doing. It started to dance. So we danced! Yes, a happy dance! Then I saw many coiled snakes spread out across dark space.

The reptilian brain stem is a gateway for the pineal and pituitary glands / chakras.

Grounded Feelings Turn

I follow the path of feelings. Are they now originating from feet and and ground to turn, turn, turn?

It feels awkward to be in a book club and not have the ability to follow logical conversations. I’m in a different vibrational zone and my heart-mind-body doesn’t “collapse” to match others. Am I supposed to learn the technique of going from alpha and delta to beta at a quick pace? This feels like wearing different masks and that I’d have to put on a tight, linear one. Being expanded and having to collapse gives me a headache. It’s like a creaking hinge or nails on a chalkboard. Repulsive! Is this a box to change? I listen to my circle zones (brain waves) for answers.

I do get beyond my discomfort in book club to enjoy a variety of personalities. My senses are at play—it’s child like. There are some personalities I resonate with even though they don’t speak my language, talk my talk. I will follow along with them and let the electromagnetic field of two reveal its path. So many relationships have come and gone like dead wires with no more life. Some stay grounded. It’s called Life.

Learning curves. How many do I choose? I follow the lines of feelings and let them reveal the next turn.

That was a big moment for my body to deliver Lotus Meditation. On my feet I was grounded strong. Sitting afterward was shaky. Thank you feet. Thank you ground. 

Four directions. Four elements. Four seasons. Turn, turn, turn.


Evolving Hearts Meditation 5 am

Less time/space in purification

More time/space in creativity

Purification as one part of the flow

Creativity another part

Earth current purifies (dark mud)

Energy current fills this empty space with creative potential

It’s a new balance of expression

Charged with vitality

It’s a new expression of Love

Between Earth & Sky

Between Matter & Quantum 

Sun Rises in the East and expands all around

Four directions

Four elements 

A safe and sacred 

Circle of Life